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刻 ke

Home Pinyin ke

此刻 cǐkè now

此时此刻 cǐ shí cǐkè at this moment

雕刻 diāokè carves; carving; engrave; engraving; sculpting; sculpture

光刻 guāngkè lithography

即刻 jíkè immediately; instantly

尖刻 jiānkè acerbic; acrimonious; caustic

苛刻 kēkè harsh

刻板 kèbǎn inflexible; stereotype; stereotypically

刻薄 kèbó mean; unkind

刻刀 kèdāo graver

刻毒 kèdú spiteful

刻度 kèdù graticule

刻骨 kègǔ carved bone

刻骨铭心 kègǔmíngxīn unforgettable

刻画 kèhuà characterizations

刻苦 kèkǔ assiduity; assiduous; assiduously; hard work

刻录 kèlù recordable

刻意 kèyì deliberate; sedulously

刻字 kèzì lettering

立刻 lìkè forthwith; immediately

铭刻 míngkè graven; overprint

片刻 piànkè moment

顷刻 qǐngkè transience

深刻 shēnkè penetratingly; profound

时刻 shíkè moment; moments; time

时时刻刻 shí shíkè kè every moment

蚀刻 shíkè etched; etching

无时无刻 wúshíwúkè all the time

一刻 yīkè moment

一时半刻 yīshí bàn kè one and a half moments

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce